May 28, 2010

How do we restore ourselves, heal our spirit and revitalize the earth too? What is true healing, anyway, and can it be effected?
When we are unwell, it's mostly due to imbalances clogging our lives and limiting our innate capacity for joy and well-being. These internal imbalances and energy blockages often express themselves as disturbing emotions--anger, frustration, anxiety and alienation, to name a few, and also manifest through the physical body as ulcers and allergies, migraines, back pain and other forms of dis-ease great and small. The root cause of these and other imbalances of mind-body-spirit are very much in line with the Buddhist notion that our own obscurations and illusions cause all of our afflictions and suffering, of all kinds-- at the outer, inner and at the subtlest levels as well. Conflicting emotions and delusion results in unwholesome acts which bring us low, mentally, physically, energetically, spiritually and psychically. In fact, longevity as well as vitality is also negatively impacted by these karmic imbalances.
The following Five Secrets illustrate how we can bring our body, speech, energy and heart-mind into harmony with awareness-wisdom, the vital wholeness of genuine well-being and ethical reality. Don't tell anyone: these are just for... [More]
Posted at: 10:57 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Spring: A Good Time to Detox

March 29, 2010

In addition to supplemental and herbal cleanses....BREATHING is a great detoxifier....and it's free!!!

Let your lungs get a breath of fresh air.
Getting outdoors in a beautiful natural environment will go a long way to clearing out your lungs, and help your heart and your mind in the process. A walk in the woods refocuses your eyes ability to take in subtleties; it clears out the cobwebs of your mind creating space for inspiration. It is interesting that the word to breathe is also the word, inspiration; the act of drawing in, especially drawing air into the lungs. While on your walk find a place to settle in and try the following breath sequence. I hope you enjoy your Spring cleaning.

 3-6 Rounds of Siva Pranayama or KumbhakaSimply inhale using a natural or ujjayi breath until your lungs are comfortably full.
Hold your breath in as long as you feel at ease.
Then exhale until your lungs are empty, feeling your abdominal muscles contract Repeat for several rounds.

These pranayamas are not only cleansing and strengthening but calming and meditative, as well.

3-6 rounds of Alternate Nostril Breathing (Analoma Viloma)

Using your right hand, slide your little finger...

Posted at: 02:58 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


January 18, 2010

This is the meditation is for psychological health, chakral healing and well-being. This meditation is an instrument of world service by blessing the earth with peace, loving kindness, joy and goodwill.  It is a meditation technique for achieving illumination, balance, awareness and universal consciousness.  In this meditation we become instruments of divine blessings to the planet earth, humanity and our loved ones.


I suggest doing these easy whole body movements to prepare the physical and energy bodies for the down pouring of spiritual energy generated by this mediation.  Make sure that you will not be disturbed by anything or anyone during this mediation!!!! Eye Rotations:  Rotate the eyes 12 times clockwise and 12 times counter clockwise.  Be gentle in your eye rotations to not strain the eyes.  You can do this seated if you wish. Neck Exercises:  Turn your head to the left and then to the right 12 times.  Do this within your comfort of motion when turning your head. Then gently bend your head backwards and then forward 12 times. Arm Rolls: Extend your arms in front of you and then rotate them backwards in a circle 12 times.  Then rotate in a forward direction 12 times. Like a windmill. ... [More]
Posted at: 01:51 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Qualities of Resilience

January 5, 2010

Resilience has been found to be composed of a number of qualities. One of them is a reaction to life as a series of challenging puzzles to be mastered, rather than as a bunch of obstacles and threats. It is exercising your abilities, and seeking to maximize all outcomes. Resiilience is operating “in the flow” -- in cooperation with what is happening all the time. Intentions, interventions and initiations are coordinated with the soul. It is a sense of being balanced and “right” in what you do. Function with holographic awareness -- including significant details. Track everything, and don't manifest tunnel vision or denial….“pay attention.”Use your “natural knowing” that comes from your soul that the Cosmos is a “win-win” proposition in the long run on everything. Have enthusiasm, innocence and delight, in a kind of “Zorba the Greek” quality. Come from the heart, and welcome the positives of the Universe.The result of being resilient is that your functioning will consist of realistic solution-seeking and experiencing the constant occurrence of the true nature of the Universe. You are self-generating and can create continuous “proof positive” that it is a “win-win universe.”Look for that which will bring joy and... [More]

Tags: core work, enlightenment, life coaching, positive thinking, resilience, self help

Posted at: 06:07 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Pressure Points for strengthening the Immune System

October 28, 2009

Pressure Points for Strengthening the Immune System   

Today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to overwork yourself, take on too many commitments, increase anxiety over world issues (ie: The H1N1 virus) and extend yourself to the point of exhaustion. This can cause an energy imbalance which can weaken the immune system. If we take care of ourselves by eating properly, getting enough rest and exercise, and practicing techniques that release tension and balance our bodies - then our resistance to illness is stronger.If, on the other hand, we abuse our bodies, push ourselves too hard, eat poorly, don't exercise, and fail to release tension, our immune system weakens, and we are more prone to illness. Reflexology, Acupressure Massage and deep breathing strengthen the immune system and can help you ward off disease.Here are some examples of immune boosting pressure points:-

Sea of Vitality (B 23 and B 47)

Caution: Do not press on disintegrating discs or fractured or broken bones. If you have a weak back, a few minutes of stationary, light touching instead of pressure can be very healing. See your doctor first if you have any questions or need medical advice.

Location: In the lower...


Tags: acupressure, breathing, immune boosting, reflexology

Posted at: 09:15 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Summer Solstice Sentiment...

July 4, 2009

As we begin our journey into the promise of Summer, we know that there are winter storms and gales that lie ahead, but the promise of summer lends its warmth through the coldest of days and the stormiest of nights. It is that promise, that certainty, that even in the darkest of nights, there is the promise of dawn. That in the frozen earth, there is the warmth of life. That even in the dimmest of times there is the glimmer of hope. It is that which we celebrate. The joy of hope eternal which wells from deep within the Earth Herself and Heavens above -- we are forever cradled in the endless promise of hope.
Light and dark, ebb and flow - are imperative in the journey of life, two sides to the same coin, like North and South, East and West, light and dark, summer and winter. Times, they change and then change again, in the promise of change, is the hope of change and in the hope of change is the joy of change.
May the Blessings of the Solstice be yours, in times of light, times of dark, and all those changing times between.
For wherever...
Posted at: 11:31 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

Dealing with Recession, Anxiety and Spirit.....

May 14, 2009

As the unemployment rate climbs, layoffs continue, and the economy contracts psychologists report an increase in calls for help with anxiety, stress, and sleepless nights. Naturally. When livelihood is threatened or lost, fear appears. When health is threatened or lost, fear appears. When a relation-ship dissolves, a business fails, or a parent dies, fear appears. Fear comes in many forms – such as anger, despair, jealousy, resentment, grief, superiority, and inferiority as well as anxiety. Sometimes it takes awareness by storm and at other times insidiously pervades thoughts and perceptions, like a sunny day imperceptibly becoming overcast. Much less than a recession can activate fear, such as a rude stranger in passing and much more can trigger it, such as the death of a child or your own impending death. No single circumstance activates it. From birth to death strangers, friends, school mates, co-workers, and family trigger it. As many fears as you have, that many will be activated frequently in the course of your life. An unprecedented transformation in human consciousness is reshaping human experience, expanding human awareness, and revealing new human potential, including the ability to recognize fear as internally generated and to locate and heal the internal...

Posted at: 10:57 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

Weight loss and the Bach Flower Remedies

April 12, 2009

With Spring in the air and the thought of summer around the corner a lot of us think about dropping some of those pounds we put on through the winter blahs. Weight loss is not just about eating less, but a lot of emotional issues are tied to it, e.g. wanting to feel good about yourself, what others think of you, and self-control. In fact it can be pretty daunting wanting to loose weight, as there are some many different ‘diets’ to choose from, and so-called miracle pills and potions etc. Basically it is probably best to try and eat smaller portions, and exercise more, so dieting does not have to cost a fortune. Doing exercise does not mean having to join an expensive gym, just a half an hour walk will do it, and if you have a dog all to the better as it gives you more of a reason to go out. What do the Bach Flower Remedies have to do with weight loss, you may ask? Well, they can help with your emotional issues associated your weight loss journey. Walnut can assist with the changes that occur in day-to-day routine, such as the foods you choose... [More]
Posted at: 12:24 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


January 3, 2009

Trigger Points: The Real Cause of Chronic Fatigue, Muscle Pain, Fibromyalgia and More

Research by Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons, authors of "The Trigger Point Manual," has shown that trigger points are the primary cause of pain at least 75 percent of the time and are a factor in nearly every painful condition.

Trigger points, a type of muscle stiffness, are the result of tiny contraction knots that develop in muscle and tissue when an area of the body is injured or overworked.

Trigger points are something traditional doctors ignore, but they could be the one thing that has been overlooked in your case for years, if not decades.

A hallmark of trigger points is something called "referred" pain. This means that trigger points typically send their pain to some other place in the body, which is why conventional treatments for pain so often fail.
Many health care practitioners wrongly assume that the problem is located where the pain is and therefore fail to assess the body correctly to find the cause of your pain.

I'm going to give you some valuable information about trigger points that I hope will encourage you to consider the possibility that trigger...
Posted at: 03:14 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

What is your body telling you???

November 12, 2008


The key factor in the maintenance of bodily health is the immune system, which is controlled by the brain via neural connections, chemical reactions, neurotransmitters, lymphocytes, neurohormones, endorphins, and the like. Through these linkages, what is going on in our consciousness is continuously affecting our body -- and vice versa. In many ways, the body and the mind imitate and imprint each other. Ultimately, of course, consciousness underlies and is the final determinant of everything, and the body reflects this vividly. It should be noted in this regard that “consciousness” will be used here to refer to both aware and unaware processes and phenomena, as well as what is happening in our brains and in our souls.

What is in our consciousness is determined by our life experiences and by the nature and history of our soul. We design our destiny, and then we encounter the interaction between ourselves and the world around us. And we react to what happens. Illnesses, ailments, disorders and damages in our bodies therefore represent the final warning system regarding the things in which we are caught up by that are causing us significant, serious, and perhaps even lethal outcomes. These messages from the body...


Tags: being, healing, manifestations of mind body, mind, soul, spirit

Posted at: 02:08 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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